
Sunday  Schedule

8:00a.m.: Worship service (spoken, quiet)

9:00 a.m. Coffee Hour

9:15 a.m. THE GOSPEL & JAVA: Bible study with the Rev. Robert Bunker

10:15-11:30am  Worship service with music (live stream)

11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour

Noon:  Scheduled ministry meetings

We have a Nursery available for newborn up to 4 years old. It is open from 9:00 am to noon.

Church Calendar





St Philip’s, in partnership with Capital Area Food Bank, opened a food Pantry called the Little Chapel Food Pantry on 6th Street. We distribute food to families at no cost every 3rd Sunday of the month between the hours of 9 am and Noon. SSL hours are available for middle school and high school students. If you would like to give a helping hand please call the church office (301)776-5151

401 CLUB

This is St. Philip’s unique twist on youth formation for older youth (5th – 12th grades).  It’s called the “401 Club” because we meet at 4:01 pm on the first Sunday of each month.  We have a strong focus on service projects chosen by the youth, discussions about how our faith shows up in our lives, and just generally having fun together. All youth are welcome – including non-parishioners who would like to join us.  Bring your friends!


On the 3rd Sunday of each month, parishioners of all ages gather in Wyatt Hall to make lunches after the 10:15 service.  These are delivered to Elizabeth House, where they are distributed to homeless and low-income people in the greater Laurel area.  We also use this as an opportunity to talk about food insecurity and to dispel some of the myths about homelessness.




If you are interested in investing in a paver, either to honor someone or some event, or to remember someone you love, you can order one from us. You may order a paver at any time by submitting this paver application form. However, they are installed only once a year, before the Feast of All Saints in November. The deadline to submit the form is end of September. For details or questions, you may contact the parish office.